Life Insurance Products

Saving And Investment Plan

HDFC SL ProGrowth Maximiser


This plan is a single premium unit linked plan with insurance coverage that helps you build wealth in short horizon.


  • Free Asset Allocation: Flexibility to invest among 4 fund options available, create your own investment strategy by switching or redirecting future premiums.
  • On unfortunate death of the life assured, greater of the fund value or Sum Assured (less withdrawals) or the minimum death benefit (105% of the total premiums paid till date) will be payable to the nominee.
  • On maturity, you will receive the fund value
  • Plan can be availed by filling short medical questionnaire, which may not require you to go for medicals.


  • Get benefit of investing in a shorter horizon. Single Premium Plan with cover of 10 years
  • The Free Asset Allocation option enables you to invest among 4 fund options available. You can plan your own investment strategy by switching between the funds as desired.
  • Flexibility to invest additional single premium top-ups as per your convenience.
  • Paying premiums is convenient with access to multiple modes – credit card, internet banking, cheque, auto debit facility
  • Tax benefits under sections 80C and 10(10D) of the Income Tax Act 1961


Policy Term 10 years
Premium Paying Term Single Premium
Min-Max entry age 14-65 years
Maximum Maturity age 75 years

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